Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rhythmic Harmonies

For awhile I have been visiting Hardcore Gaming 101, a site which catalogs every title in existence that has been a pivotal (and some titles that we want to forget). But what makes it worth visiting, and reading any article is the writing style. Something I find myself lacking, and I strive to push myself to improve on. Because I would love to send a few articles, and it could be fun to see them highlighted on a well known site. I did some collaborations in the past with Castlevania Dungeon, and OCRemix some time ago. Its been so long I feel out of touch.

In that regard, my new push in writing would be to emphasize or wax poetically about Bayonetta. An underdog in the gaming market, made by talented group that produced some fantastic pieces of visual storytelling and music.

I have been giving it some thought as to how I could pursue writing about a vast title. Its not one subject, but it covers a bit of gaming history. Both in design, and ideas (where it borrowed tons, and gave kind regards to its humble past).

Right now, my college classes are winding down. So I might get started on this project very soon. Just thought I'd share the idea here.

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